This is the blog of DHS, 4i'08
05 Haru Haru - Big Bang
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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
She really sung it herself leh. No translator machine
9:25 PM | back to top
9:25 PM | back to top
Thursday, April 12, 2007
new song
hello. due to erm, SOME demands XD. i changed the song to avril's girlfriend =D yay! our blog is nice lol, we are a music loving claaaassssss~~ *dances around spinning a hula hoop*
=D post people post =D
anyway i was thinking of having a photo taking competition =D it will take place once every 2 weeks? erm, ya. ok. so it shall be.
so send as many pictures as you want of 3i that you took yourself to : 3i.ing07@gmail.com [yes, we have a class email. surprised?] include your name please.
erm, so winners will erm have their pictures posted here? with credits and erm, maybe a write up about you etc etc here. erm, the judge will be... erm I DUNNO... =[ okok... i'll choose a few and put it up here for voting. then we'll get the winner. =]
you may send as many times as you want to the email address, but different pictures please. you may provide a title for each of the pictures if you want. not compulsory.
the theme for this week is : JUST 3i and the deadline is : 21st April 2007, 10.00pm [next saturday] voting date will be erm, wadever, i'll decide later.
wad about the remaining pictures? erm, i'll post it anyway lol.
rest of class: SO WADS THE POINT OF HAVING A COMPETITIONIF YOU ARE GOING TO POST THE PICTURES ANYWAY?! me: get more pictures lor... -.- and you get to interact ma, class blog is a fun place you know?
P.S. please please please do send to me... later i end up using my own pictures -.- lol. just send wadever crap to me kay?Labels: kiayi, music, picture comp
6:34 PM | back to top
correction to previous post cos i'm lazy to edit.. jiawen did NOT lose her books! as to how she came to think that she DID lose her books, ask her don't ask me :P
HOMEWORK UPDATE! *dodges all rotten eggs and runs for my life
LA `bring article on violence HCL `file + 综合填空 maths `Assignment 10, by 16/4 (Mon) chem `misconception analysis - various chapters, i forgot which =x bio `read up on Nutrition in Humans physics `assignment 6 (Measurement of Temperature, by 16/4 (Mon)
and don't forget..
`CHEM practical test on 17/4 (Tues) `PHYSICS test on 20/4 (Fri) `MATHS common test on 24/4 (next Tues)
hope i didn't miss out anything! ok fine i did, i missed out the projects -.- on purpose, of course. heh.
happy 3 pathetic rest-days! (don't know if sports day is counted as REST days haha)
4:39 PM | back to top
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
hey all, just a, erm, word of caution - i think it's better to keep our textbooks at home! cos i just heard from jiawen that her science books seem to be missing as well.. since the school can't do anything about it (whoops i didn't say anything!), we'll just have to take our own precautions. so yeah, just check through your books and refrain from leaving them in school, especially our science books which are kind of ex -__-
let's hope we nab that thief and get those missing books back! jiayou 3i!
homework to be handed in tomorrow: GEOG FILE. (sorry i know this is anticlimax =x)
7:47 PM | back to top
Monday, April 9, 2007

erm, ya, you all can stop nagging liao, i'm not obliged to do this stuff you know. if i am not wrong i am only in charge of the blogskin cos posting does not require html ... =[ next time i shall not get myself involved... i'm hurt. cant u all shower me with love? XPLabels: kiayi, photos, teaching material
9:20 PM | back to top
Saturday, April 7, 2007
ok, so u all know we have this unknown spammer on our tagboard -.- not angry or wadever at him/her la. But after mush considerations... we decided to ban him/her. erm, dont know if its a joke or something... but if you are the person and you want to be unbanned or something, please tell ME. kiayi =] its a bit rude to impersonate others and put words into their mouths. =]
ok, so happy belated birthday weihong and wansi! [a bit late? o.0] haha
anyways, we have [by order of urgency as accurate as i can think of]
-geog file = this coming monday -maths project = week 4, which is THIS coming week -CME project = week 4 -ACE ppt = on the impacts of conflict among races in sg and other countries? 1-4 ppl in a grp, by nxt ace lesson -ACE project = the proposal [by nxt ACE lesson i think] -geog project = the tourism one, next monday -maths "assignment 9" = the division one, by sometime next week i think -chi proj = the small class one in ur dynasty group one. the game one remember? forgot when le. -LA project = the film [LONG LONG LATER]
due. so happy doing and jiayou. not sure if it is the full list but yea. i not sure of the time and date. please feel free to edit the dates and hw if you can. i very blur one =DLabels: homework, kiayi, projects
8:48 PM | back to top
Friday, April 6, 2007
In case anyone is wondering it's ME, WEIHONG, back again! =D THANK YOU 3I for yesterday =DDDD
Anyway, remember to hand up Activity 2 for those who haven't!
P.S: Question 2 is much easier. =D
And god dammit my com still can't see the blog. I'm on my bro's com and it sucks. RAH.
6:03 PM | back to top
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Is it just me, or has the blog been overcast by this evil cloud of darkness?
10:29 PM | back to top
erm kiayi here =] yes yes, i linked to myself =D ok, i took some random photos before flag raising today =] and one of the rain
 first picture
 and the rain which rendered many people's clothes rather transparent
lol, please feel free to post wadever you all want on this blog even if its rubbish, cos as u can see, i'm posting rubbish already. =] okok =] time to go byebye =]Labels: kiayi, photos
9:48 PM | back to top
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
She really sung it herself leh. No translator machine
9:25 PM | back to top
9:25 PM | back to top
Thursday, April 12, 2007
new song
hello. due to erm, SOME demands XD. i changed the song to avril's girlfriend =D yay! our blog is nice lol, we are a music loving claaaassssss~~ *dances around spinning a hula hoop*
=D post people post =D
anyway i was thinking of having a photo taking competition =D it will take place once every 2 weeks? erm, ya. ok. so it shall be.
so send as many pictures as you want of 3i that you took yourself to : 3i.ing07@gmail.com [yes, we have a class email. surprised?] include your name please.
erm, so winners will erm have their pictures posted here? with credits and erm, maybe a write up about you etc etc here. erm, the judge will be... erm I DUNNO... =[ okok... i'll choose a few and put it up here for voting. then we'll get the winner. =]
you may send as many times as you want to the email address, but different pictures please. you may provide a title for each of the pictures if you want. not compulsory.
the theme for this week is : JUST 3i and the deadline is : 21st April 2007, 10.00pm [next saturday] voting date will be erm, wadever, i'll decide later.
wad about the remaining pictures? erm, i'll post it anyway lol.
rest of class: SO WADS THE POINT OF HAVING A COMPETITIONIF YOU ARE GOING TO POST THE PICTURES ANYWAY?! me: get more pictures lor... -.- and you get to interact ma, class blog is a fun place you know?
P.S. please please please do send to me... later i end up using my own pictures -.- lol. just send wadever crap to me kay?Labels: kiayi, music, picture comp
6:34 PM | back to top
correction to previous post cos i'm lazy to edit.. jiawen did NOT lose her books! as to how she came to think that she DID lose her books, ask her don't ask me :P
HOMEWORK UPDATE! *dodges all rotten eggs and runs for my life
LA `bring article on violence HCL `file + 综合填空 maths `Assignment 10, by 16/4 (Mon) chem `misconception analysis - various chapters, i forgot which =x bio `read up on Nutrition in Humans physics `assignment 6 (Measurement of Temperature, by 16/4 (Mon)
and don't forget..
`CHEM practical test on 17/4 (Tues) `PHYSICS test on 20/4 (Fri) `MATHS common test on 24/4 (next Tues)
hope i didn't miss out anything! ok fine i did, i missed out the projects -.- on purpose, of course. heh.
happy 3 pathetic rest-days! (don't know if sports day is counted as REST days haha)
4:39 PM | back to top
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
hey all, just a, erm, word of caution - i think it's better to keep our textbooks at home! cos i just heard from jiawen that her science books seem to be missing as well.. since the school can't do anything about it (whoops i didn't say anything!), we'll just have to take our own precautions. so yeah, just check through your books and refrain from leaving them in school, especially our science books which are kind of ex -__-
let's hope we nab that thief and get those missing books back! jiayou 3i!
homework to be handed in tomorrow: GEOG FILE. (sorry i know this is anticlimax =x)
7:47 PM | back to top
Monday, April 9, 2007

erm, ya, you all can stop nagging liao, i'm not obliged to do this stuff you know. if i am not wrong i am only in charge of the blogskin cos posting does not require html ... =[ next time i shall not get myself involved... i'm hurt. cant u all shower me with love? XPLabels: kiayi, photos, teaching material
9:20 PM | back to top
Saturday, April 7, 2007
ok, so u all know we have this unknown spammer on our tagboard -.- not angry or wadever at him/her la. But after mush considerations... we decided to ban him/her. erm, dont know if its a joke or something... but if you are the person and you want to be unbanned or something, please tell ME. kiayi =] its a bit rude to impersonate others and put words into their mouths. =]
ok, so happy belated birthday weihong and wansi! [a bit late? o.0] haha
anyways, we have [by order of urgency as accurate as i can think of]
-geog file = this coming monday -maths project = week 4, which is THIS coming week -CME project = week 4 -ACE ppt = on the impacts of conflict among races in sg and other countries? 1-4 ppl in a grp, by nxt ace lesson -ACE project = the proposal [by nxt ACE lesson i think] -geog project = the tourism one, next monday -maths "assignment 9" = the division one, by sometime next week i think -chi proj = the small class one in ur dynasty group one. the game one remember? forgot when le. -LA project = the film [LONG LONG LATER]
due. so happy doing and jiayou. not sure if it is the full list but yea. i not sure of the time and date. please feel free to edit the dates and hw if you can. i very blur one =DLabels: homework, kiayi, projects
8:48 PM | back to top
Friday, April 6, 2007
In case anyone is wondering it's ME, WEIHONG, back again! =D THANK YOU 3I for yesterday =DDDD
Anyway, remember to hand up Activity 2 for those who haven't!
P.S: Question 2 is much easier. =D
And god dammit my com still can't see the blog. I'm on my bro's com and it sucks. RAH.
6:03 PM | back to top
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Is it just me, or has the blog been overcast by this evil cloud of darkness?
10:29 PM | back to top
erm kiayi here =] yes yes, i linked to myself =D ok, i took some random photos before flag raising today =] and one of the rain
 first picture
 and the rain which rendered many people's clothes rather transparent
lol, please feel free to post wadever you all want on this blog even if its rubbish, cos as u can see, i'm posting rubbish already. =] okok =] time to go byebye =]Labels: kiayi, photos
9:48 PM | back to top
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